Saturday, February 7, 2015

What's Your Love Story?

That special day is coming soon; the one that either means so much or so little to so many! It’s that time of year when we all reflect on our very own love stories. For some, it is sweet and others – sour. No matter what, most people have a good love story of some type. Mine is more humorous than romantic. That seems to be fitting for my life though. That’s why I included this old black and white carnival photo.

I’m fortunate to say I have a love that’s lasted over 30 years now. My story starts in the early 1980’s, back before social media and dating websites. You really had to go out of your way to have a social life back then. Sometimes it wasn’t all that easy, depending on your finances and ability to go places. I think many of us were paving the way for what would become the norm. Let me explain.

My story begins in a remote part of NY, at a college where I knew no one. I was thrown into a suite of best friends, of which I had nothing in common with. Their last friend didn’t return to school and that left the room available. I knew immediately I would have to figure out how to meet like-minded people. Just meeting folks in class wasn’t enough and the bar scene wasn’t much fun without a best friend.

I thought about things and decided to post flyers around campus, offering my services to paint jackets for Deadheads. In case you don’t already know, a Deadhead was a serious Grateful Dead fan. The kind that just couldn’t go to enough concerts or hear too much of their music. That’s the only kind that would pay to have their jean jacket painted! Plus, to be honest, I would have to admit that I hoped I might meet a cute, available Deadhead to travel to shows with. I actually had a “list” of dating criteria and that was one of my “must haves.” Every woman had a list, right?

So, I created an eye-catching flyer and hoped I would meet some cool people. Now remember, this is before Craigslist, Facebook and dating websites. Within a day or so I had my first client. My roommate was eager to tell me about some gorgeous guy that came looking for me while I was at class. He left his number and we met up later. He was pretty darn handsome, but I knew immediately we would only be friends. There was just something I couldn’t explain. That’s how they all seemed. I was creating art, making money and meeting people though, and that was the plan. I met females too, but none that would become a best friend. Life was going to be different. I really had grown up a lot over the summer.

Interestingly enough, that first gorgeous guy and I became good friends. We spent a lot of time together and it was a few weeks later that we shared a hug goodbye. I swear to god, there was electricity! It was a moment frozen in time. He would tell you the same. Before that moment, I wasn’t exactly what he was looking for in a girlfriend and we were fine with being friends. He didn’t meet enough of my list “must haves.” He didn’t even play guitar! That hug changed it all. Suddenly, it didn’t matter.

We went from being just friends to living together by Christmas. I never felt so strongly about anyone in my life. I had been dating since I was 15 and thought I had a “true love” in high school. This was intensely different.  We both found out we were crazy in love with each other, but were opposites in so many ways that learning to accept this as a positive would take work. Hard work! We grew up a lot together in the past 30 years. We’ve never had things come easy, but I think that’s what has made our love so strong. Being opposites has made us strong as steel. He has taught me about realism and I showed him a thing or two about the power of dreams. Here’s to hoping we have another 30 or more years to our love story! I hope you can take the time to contemplate your special love story – more than once a year.